It's been a very good autumn for funghi, but stay away from these...
Do I walk anti-clockwise more than I walk clockwise? I think I do. And what should be read into this?
Me: (sad shake of the head) ‘Pah. Have they
left it for you to clear up then?’
Him: (mumbling to himself…I don’t think he’s heard me: probably too much time too close to industrial machinery) ‘Grmble, grmble, maudit gerbil…’
Me: (louder) ‘I said, they’ve left it for you to tidy…’
Him: (Not
looking up. Shovelling muck into a pile I hadn’t seen by the hedge) ‘It ent
my job. I dunno how the buggers got it ‘ere. They keep that gate back there
shut nowadays. I give up…grmble grmble maudit…’
And indeed it isn’t his job, and it’s utterly mystifying why someone would drive a mile into the middle of the countryside to clutter up the lane. His job has probably been to dig out the ditches which line the track a little further on, painstaking but necessary work which reminds me how much patience is still required to keep animals safe and coax a living from the land. I couldn’t do it.
A man short of stature, in clothes suggesting
household repairs rather than rambling, and with no dog or walking
paraphernalia, follows me purposefully from the surrounding fields into Kirby
Hall’s drive. I say hello and he answers incomprehensibly. Was that Latvian or
deep Northamptonshire dialect? Half a mile later he’s there close behind me
again as I stand by a stile trying to make sense of a path diversion. Again,
without offering any facial or bodily clue, he says something I can’t
understand so I just smile encouragingly…but not too encouragingly. It’s a morning for mumbling. Perhaps I’m doing
it myself. I choose the road, he the possibly-closed path. Then further on up, by
a nice rule of three, he suddenly stumps out from the trees beside me. I move
into a higher gear and leave him behind, speeding on to Deene with its
chocolate box cottages, its stately home and high-spired St. Peter’s. Inside
one immediately thinks what a big old pile this is for such a diminutive
village. It’s now in the care of the Conservation Trust, whose work with
smaller buildings is often so instructive, beneficial and worship-preserving,
but they have a tough task here. Most of what one sees inside the building is
already gothic-revival restoration, lovingly completed a hundred and fifty
years ago at the instigation of the ‘Light
Brigade’s Seventh Earl of Cardigan’s widow, a member of the local Brudenell
family whose tombs are prominent in today’s church. Near the door I see a board
which mentions a figure of £1.5 million to put things right. I think to myself
that however beautiful the setting, we just can’t do this. Bar the discovery of
a local saint and the founding of a celebratory cult here, few people will ever
make a pilgrimage through the doors of St. Peter’s to find faith or even simply
enjoy its lofty proportions.
The Greenbelt festival made its annual home at Deene for some years in the nineties, and then perhaps at least for one weekend a year St. Peter’s was full of people at prayer. Being here now causes me to reflect on my past as I awkwardly navigate around a herd of cows on the path to Bulwick.
WARNING: Old rocker’s
reminiscences. Can cause drowsiness. Do not operate heavy machinery while
We had various encounters with splendid Greenbelt throughout
its earlier history. What a good job it’s done for making visible the fact that
the Christian faith touches every area of life in ways that are surprising,
radical, and un-churchy. In the absence of fifties-style Billy Graham
evangelistic crusades, it and ‘Spring Harvest’ have been the poster events for
The Church these past forty years. Greenbelt began in Odell on the
Northants/Beds border. Bill Thorp’s lovely ‘Water into Wine Band’ sought relief
from Bank Holiday soggy bottoms in our front room in August 1975, and I subsequently
managed to park our Renault 6 on a festival site tree stump, wheels waving in
the air, a feat apparently much more easily achieved than remedied. When the
festival moved more or less down the road from us in Castle Ashby a few years
later, Sue and I were part of a festival lunchtime radio roadshow with friend
Myra Blyth and radio presenter Dilly Barlow, all jingles, interviews and panel
discussions on abortion and South American politics. In 1987, I hit the
mainstage, number two on the Saturday night bill behind Philip Bailey as one of
the two keyboard players in Mark Williamson’s Bloodline. In fact the band had two of most things. Apart from me
and six foot seven inches of Babe Ruth’s Dave Morris, there were two guitarists
in the wonderful Robin Boult and international hit producer Alan Shacklock, two drummers including
my mate Nigel Pegrum, and squadrons of backing singers, one of whose mics was
turned off because he was singing so flat (though I think he may not have been
entirely aware of this). There was so much on-stage smoke that the set became an
exercise in solipsism. Not only could we not hear each other, the faithful
reproduction of a 1953 pea-souper made it impossible to see each other too. I
might use this as an excuse for my delivery of what on one of our
more-bombastic-than-Muse numbers may have been the worst ever keyboard solo in
rock n’roll history, or alternatively an inspired piece of dada-ist art, but it
would be inauthentic of me to do so. There was
a mixing-desk recording, but thankfully it never saw the light of day, and I
ritually destroyed my cassette copy in red-faced disgust.
A couple of years later, the band I was then with, Beltane Fire, opened the whole weekend
for die-hard, early adopters on a damp Thursday evening. We worked hard for
meagre applause from punters who didn’t have a clue who we were, but at least I
could see the drummer and bass player.
I never played at Deene Park.
Inside St. Peter's, Deene. (I had a go, but couldn't make it happen).
The nineteen eighties/nineties were a funny time. I was in my thirties and forties, a latecomer to the entertainment world, convincing myself that I wasn’t a failure for giving up on teaching after six years, striving desperately for recognition in an industry for which I wasn’t very well-equipped. I think now I lost my way, and compromised the ‘real me’, too desperate, too eager to please, too exploiting, too ridiculously obsessed with glamour and fame which never came. Perhaps we often feel that kind of thing about our pasts. Does it strike a chord with you in some way? Perhaps in twenty years I’ll feel comparable things about the me-that-is-now. All that blogging! What did he think he was playing at! The New Testament Greek word for ‘sin’ is ‘hamartia’, which famously comes from a family of words borrowed from the military or sporting worlds to do with ‘missing the mark’ (as perhaps in archery). I missed the mark quite often, and of course I still do.
The nineteen eighties/nineties were a funny time. I was in my thirties and forties, a latecomer to the entertainment world, convincing myself that I wasn’t a failure for giving up on teaching after six years, striving desperately for recognition in an industry for which I wasn’t very well-equipped. I think now I lost my way, and compromised the ‘real me’, too desperate, too eager to please, too exploiting, too ridiculously obsessed with glamour and fame which never came. Perhaps we often feel that kind of thing about our pasts. Does it strike a chord with you in some way? Perhaps in twenty years I’ll feel comparable things about the me-that-is-now. All that blogging! What did he think he was playing at! The New Testament Greek word for ‘sin’ is ‘hamartia’, which famously comes from a family of words borrowed from the military or sporting worlds to do with ‘missing the mark’ (as perhaps in archery). I missed the mark quite often, and of course I still do.
This seems like a cuddly, friendly way of thinking about ‘sin’, a long way removed from hell-fire preaching, or even the condemnation the apostle Paul hands out to the early Christian churches for their shortcomings. Some evangelical commentators seek to redress this by suggesting that implicit in the idea of ‘hamartia’ is that the person missing the target won’t ‘share in the prize’ (heaven?) or would be ‘letting the army down’, in a way that deserves punishment. Would it be fair to respond that not many archers deliberately try to ‘miss the mark’? Most of us are in it to win it. It’s just that all of us fail: our technique’s not good enough, the target’s too far away, our training wasn’t right. I prefer to think of God laughing at our foolishness and chiding us lovingly back to better ways. Elvis Costello sings: ‘Oh Alison…my aim is true…’ I don’t believe in a God who throws his creation away, who, in an old fashioned phrase, ‘sets it at nought’. And so on my more generous days I also think, notwithstanding confession and absolution, I should cut my sadder eighties’ self a bit of slack.
Except that working these things through is also the stuff of pilgrimage.
A kneeler in St. Nicholas', Bulwick. Deenethorpe was the site of yet another
tragic World War 2 air crash.
Shots in the
locker: 19.5 km. Just shy of six hours. 14 degrees C. Clear
skies followed by some lunchtime cloud, dissipating towards dusk. 3 churches. 2
open (but not All Saints Laxton, whose building and churchyard lie at the end
of a little Church Walk with a small field to one side, today containing two
tiny, perfectly pretty calves and two understandably protective mums.) 9
stiles. 14 gates. 2 bridges. A black (?) squirrel near Kirby Hall – I’ve only
ever seen one before and that was in Woburn, but this one looked pretty dark to
me from a distance of 25 metres. The constant mewing of kites hunting near
Laxton, singly and in pairs. And the verbed-up sound of a barn owl, taking over
the night shift near Harringworth Lodge as I made my way back to Gretton.
Forgive me my trespasses
And help me to forgive
Those who walk across my cucumber patch.
Grant me the capacity
So to learn from my past mistakes
That this day I better represent Christ
To those I meet
So that together
We bring about on our blue planet
Your kingdom of love, justice and equity.
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